Welcome to Day2 – Secret Nr.2! Today Complex Selections in Photoshop CS5.
Don’t loose your precious time on creating selections. Don’t feel frustrated trying to make selections usable. At least not any more! Now there is way to make your selections much better and faster with Adobe Photoshop CS5!
New Truer Edge selection technology gives you much better edge detection and masking – and all that much faster than before! Now you can even easier select hair in images and even eliminate background colour around the edges of your selection with new colour decontamination capabilities.
Refine Edge dialog box has been redesigned and now it is even better than before. View Options have changed and now we have many more options in View menu – View Mode as in the screenshot below:
There is a new feature here as well – Smart Radius under Edge Detection – an amazing new feature making selections so much easier than before!
There are also new Output Options at the bottom of the Refine Edge dialog box that allow you to create a new document or layer with the current refinements, with or without a layer mask as shown below:
That’s it for today. Tomorrow the next Secret will be revealed. I hope you have an outstanding day!