Hello everyone. It is Monday and Monday is PhotoshopLightroomTv Day! 🙂
I hope you will enjoy Episode 3 in which I am going to show you how to resize images in Photoshop with no/little loss on the quality and some more tips and tutorials. Enjoy – here is the link: Â PhotoshopLightroomTv
Also, I have found an excellent book about Lightroom 3. Let me tell you about it. It is called – Adobe Lightroom 3 – The Missing FAQ and is written by Victoria Bampton, our own fantastic British author from the seaside  😉  (from Southampton).
The book is laid out as a series of questions and answers and answers most of questions people have about Lightroom. It can be purchased as a Pdf and as a paperback as well. As soon as I receive my copy I will share it with you.
More info on Victoria’s website – Â The Lightroom Queen.
Have fun!