PhotoshopWeb Technologies

Photoshop Tablet Apps

Good morning to everyone,

Today we continue the topic of the recent release by Adobe – new applications for iPad that were recently released. I was writing about this on the recent post last week so you can catch up by following the link below:

Adobe has announced Adobe Photoshop Touch SDK & Apps!

What we have here are apps that you can use to connect iPad to Photoshop on your computer and use certain features from your tablet on the computer.

The applications are not that advanced but they have some potential and I’m pretty sure they will be improved in the future versions. To give you an idea of what they do, here’s an example of a few applications:

Eazel – is an application that you can use to do some finger painting. To get access to the tools, just place all your five fingers on the tablet screen. You can also send a sketch to Photoshop from the application.

Adobe Easel

Color Lava – an application that you can use to mix the colours on the tablet. You can also create colour swatches and send them to Photoshop! Pretty cool!

Adobe Lava

I hope you enjoyed it and see you tomorrow! Enjoy your day! 🙂

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