
Old Lightroom Import Makes a Comeback

There’s some great news for all of you who were not happy with the latest updates to Lightroom CC 2015 / Lightroom 6 and the new Import that replaced the one we have used for years. Adobe are bringing it back. After listening to so many users complaining about the new Import dialogue box in Lightroom CC 2015 / Lightroom 6, Adobe decided to change it.

Many of the features we had in the Import dialogue box disappeared in the new version – for example “Eject Memory Card” option and “Move on Import“.

It looks like Adobe listened to everyone complaining about the changes and they decided to bring the old Import dialogue box back.

Tom Hogarty from Adobe announced on the company’s blog that Adobe will restore the previous import experience in the next “dot release” of Lightroom.

As Tom Hogarthy said “team reviewed several options for restoring import workflows and addressing quality in Lightroom”.

So now we just need to wait for the next .dot release to get the old Import dialogue box back. Or if you can’t wait, you can roll back to previous version of Lightroom.


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