Good morning to you! 🙂
Let’s talk about Keywords in Lightroom. It’s worth talking about Keywords as they are an important part of photography workflow in Lightroom. They may help to find images faster and easier. Keywords describe the content of a photograph so it is easier to find the images with similiar content.
Creating new Keywords is very easy, just click on Plus (+) sign  in the Keyword List Panel, which will open a dialog box. This dialog box gives you an option to add Synonyms as well, very nice feature! I use it to add Synonyms in Polish while main Keywords are in English, as an example.
If you want to rearrange Keywords as your list gets long, you can drag and drop them into folders, to create sub-structure. Â If you drop a Keyword on top of another Keyword, it will appear inside this Keyword becoming a child of a Keyword. As far as I know, there are no limits to numbers of Keywords that Lightroom can hold, probably thousands.
If you are looking for particular Keywords, you can find them by typing the name of the Keyword in the Keyword Filter window in the  Keyword List section.
Adding Keywords takes time and it may be a long process, so you can quickly apply Keywords to loads of images at the same time. Just type in any number of Keywords in the window below Keyword Tags with all the images you want to apply it to selected, and just press Enter/Return. Voila! 😉
As you start typing Keywords, Keyword suggestions may appear as Lightroom will try to help to fill them using the Keywords you already entered. It’s just trying to guess the Keywords you are trying to type in. Very clever!
Ok, I hope you enjoy that. See you tomorrow! 🙂