
Free excerpt from Photoshop CS5 Classroom in a Book

Adobe classroom in a bookYou know that I am always trying to find some great articles to keep you enjoyed andlet you learn more, right? I’m on a mission to search through the internet for you and give all you need in one place – here! So here you go, another one for you today. I hope you will enjoy it. If you do, please let your friends know about this website, I will appreciate it.

Do you want to get access to a free excerpt from “Photoshop CS5  Classroom in a Book”?

I guess you have heard of “Classroom in a Book” series of books from adobe? It is a series of books about adobe products that teach you how to use the products effectively. My adobe courses are based on these books and I love them! They’re really great books and I usually recommend them to anyone who wants to quickly and easily learn the product. I’ve got the whole shelf full of them! 😉

If you want to have a quick look on the courses I offer and the materials I use, have a look here:

My Adobe Certified Courses – Marek Mularczyk Sai Training.

Now, back to the book. You can get a Free access to one of the chapters from “Adobe Photoshop CS5 classroom in a book” and read it. The chapter I’m talking about is: “Creating a Web Gallery in Adobe Photoshop CS5”. This sample chapter from the book shows you how to showcase your images in an online gallery, so that visitors can view individual images or a slide show of your work.

I’m sure you will enjoy it. Here’s the link for you:

“Creating a Web Gallery in Adobe Photoshop CS5”.

Enjoy! 🙂

I hope you enjoyed it. If you did, please let your friends know about this website, I will appreciate it. Have a great day!

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