
Episode 7 of PhotoshopLightroomTV goes live!

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Hello to a new exciting week ahead of us! There are many new exciting news this week. There are some changes to Lightroom going on, make sure you stick with me as I am going to reveal them tomorrow… 🙂 Also, remember about PhotoshopLightroomTV! Episode 7 of PhotoshopLightroomTV goes live today! Make sure you don’t […]


Fixes for Lightroom 3 coming soon

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Hello everyone, I know that many people were complaining about the performance of Lightroom 3 and I have found out from the guys from Adobe that there are some fixes coming soon. There will be a fix for a mistake in the way cached previous are being build. This should especially get noticed while browsing […]


Automatic Virtual Copies in Collections

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Good morning to everyone! Today, a Collections in Lightroom topic. I heard some people saying that after working with Lightroom for a bit they suddenly realize that they have a lot of virtual copies in their Collections. They say  that something creates virtual copies from many files. The solution is very simple. When you create […]


New Lens Correction in Lightroom

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Hello everyone. I am pretty sure you have heard about the lens correction  that detects your camera/lens and tries to adjust the issue (unless you have been living in some remote place than you may not have heard about it… 😉  ). When you import the images into Lightroom, it tries to detect the camera/ […]


Create your own Export Preset

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Hello everyone. I hope you enjoyed yesterday’s post and I hope you enjoyed yet another Episode of PhotoshopLightroomTV. If you haven’t watched it yet, head on to PhotoshopLightroomTV website and watch it. Today a topic of Exporting images from Lightroom. This is one of the most often used features in Lightroom. At certain point in […]


Exporting images from Lightroom to iPad?

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Hello everyone, today something slightly different. I found some very interesting articles about exporting images from Lightroom to iPad. Even if you don’t have one (I don’t…) you can find it very interesting learning how to do it. Or maybe someone you know has an iPad and you may want to share your images with […]


Differences between Previews in Lightroom?

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Hi, I have a Lightroom topic in mind that brings lots of discussion. Have you ever wondered is there are any differences between different previews in Lightroom? When you import your images into Lightroom, you have a choice of four different Previews and they are very often misleading. To start with, when you import images […]


Photoshop and Lightroom taster – Join Me!

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Join me for a Photoshop and Lightroom taster on the 10th of August in London! Myself and some friends will showcase what Photoshop and Lightroom can do (we will do some quick tutorials). Then other people will be able to show what they have created using Photoshop or Lightroom and talk about it. If you have […]