Adobe Photoshop CS6 update is now available for Windows and Mac users.
Adobe announced that they released Photoshop update versions:
13.0.5 (for Macintosh perpetual license customers), (for Windows perpetual license customers).
The update corrects a number of issues, i.e.:
- When a transformed type layer’s point size is changed, the end result should be as if there was no transform (like CS5),
- When moving a type layer with a free transform active, the size of the font changes to non-integer values,
- Clicking a Pop-up window in a Flash extension panel does not work and/or cause Photoshop to crash (Mac only),
- Info panel displays incorrect value for adjustment layers inside groups (Mac only),
- Restore View>Print Size menu command and Zoom tool right-click context menu (Mac only),
- Black & White adjustment layer scrubby slider does not work if in a layer group (Mac only),
and some more bugs fixes, these are just a few examples.