Hello everyone,
I hope you enjoyed your Christmas, and we’re back to “business” 😉
Today, I’d like to share with you a link to a post on equipment. When you start in photography, you most probably have lots of questions. Nobody wants to buy the wrong gear, right?
It’s hard to set up your equipment (in a studio as an example) without breaking the bank. So I have found a very interesting post by Terry White in which Terry reveals what equipment he uses in his studio. And I’m talking, everything he uses, from studio lighting to lenses and cameras etc.
In the post, Terry is talking about cameras, lenses, lights, as well as tripods he’s using when shooting, or even camera bags and sound system he uses. Lots of useful information for every photographer, even if you don’t shoot in studio.
I hope you will find it as useful as I did.
Here’s the link for you: