
Can I crop outside the image in Lightroom…?

Lens Correction Header

Hello hello,

How about cropping the images in Lightroom today? Here is an interesting question:

” Is there a way to crop outside the image in Lightroom to get an extended canvas/space like in Photoshop? Is this doable?”

This is a good question and the answer is: There is no direct way to do it using Crop but there is a trick that works. Here you go:

Use Manual Lens Correction in Lightroom3:

Lens Correction in Lr 3Now,  use the Scale slider to create a border effect! When you reduce the value below 100, the image will scale showing the background. 🙂

Lens Correction Scale feature

And that how it is done! I learnt this trick from Lee Jay who gets credit for the trick. Thanks Lee Jay!


You will loose resolution when you scale the image down so bear this in mind.

Have fun! 🙂

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