Unsplash, an online library, Free, is widely known for a variety of images and its huge library of images available.
And, as anyone who has heard about Unsplash, they also know Unsplash as a huge library of images which are available absolutely free – under Creative Commons Zero license – Creative Commons Zero license.
And now, Unsplash announced, in their own words: “the most complete high-quality open image data set”. That means over 2,000,000 free images from over 200,000 photographers available to download.
This is a collection of images, the entire collection available for download, as a batch, and there are two options – one for the entire collection and one with 25,000 images:

You can access the entire set here – Unsplash dataset.
With smaller set you can just download it. With the entire set, you need to request access to it first (as shown on the screenshot above).
As always with Unsplash, the images are available for commercial and non-commercial purposes and it’s still free of charge.